Whether you’re currently working as an Announcer and trying to figure out how to make it a Full-Time career, or someone who has a dream and would like to figure out how to just get started… you’ll find the information and training that will enable you to continually get yourself to that next level right here in the “Virtual Training Studio”.
Your face-to-face LIVE sessions will always be in-depth, interactive, and highly personalized. Each training session will include commensurate time for practice, drills, and rehearsing. Your 1-on-1 Personalized Training sessions will be designed to cover any subject matter available at LiveEventAnnouncing.com. Your agenda will be formatted with the goal of enhancing your professional skill set and advancing your career.
Michael C. Williams has been announcing professionally for over 25 years. While many may know Michael primarily as a Ring Announcer, he’s put in just as many hours as a PA Announcer, a Host / Emcee, a Spokesman, a Motorsports Announcer, and as a Race Announcer for Marathons and Triathlons.
When Michael was starting out, there was never anyone for him to turn to. No one to ask questions, no one for training or coaching, and certainly no one offering any mentoring. It took the entirety of Michael’s first 10 years to begin to see the ‘Path’ and the ‘Way’ to success. It was only then that he was able to begin understanding the so-called “secrets” of how to always get to the next level, and how that could lead to a full-time career.