These are the 10 ways an Announcer is telling the industry, promoters, directors, and producers… “don’t pick me!  don’t pick me because I’m not ready”.


“The Announcer’s Top 10 Tells” is an illuminating look at the telltale signs that an Announcer may not yet be at that next-level. Critical to understanding the importance to these signs is the fact that they have gone unnoticed by the Announcer, and therefore have become a “giveaway” — completely unbeknownst to the Announcer themself.

No matter what the Announcer does, no matter how they’re projecting, no matter what they’ve got going on verbal or nonverbal…

Michael C. Williams has been announcing professionally for over 25 years. While many may know Michael primarily as a Ring Announcer, he’s put in just as many hours as a PA Announcer, a Host / Emcee, a Spokesman, a Motorsports Announcer, and as a Race Announcer for Marathons and Triathlons.


When Michael was starting out, there was never anyone for him to turn to. No one to ask questions, no one for training or coaching, and certainly no one offering any mentoring. It took the entirety of Michael’s first 10 years to begin to see the ‘Path’ and the ‘Way’ to success. It was only then that he was able to begin understanding the so-called “secrets” of how to always get to the next level, and how that could lead to a full-time career.


Starting out in this business can be daunting. Michael successfully launched his business over 25 years ago with absolutely no guidance or training, and without the advantage of a coach or mentor. Michael built a unique road map to success on the strength of his own relentless persistence. As your Business Coach, Michael will freely share everything needed to make you successful. Michael’s goal is to help you achieve the same level of success in a fraction of the time that it took him to figure it out all on his own.


For the majority of the second half of Michael’s career, he’s been training, coaching, and mentoring other announcers.

A 2-Hour LIVE 1-on-1 training session with Michael in the “Virtual Training Studio”. As the marque course from Michael C. Williams, it has become the most sought-after training for any Announcer.

This course is a face-to-face LIVE training session, formulated so that its effectiveness is maximized when conducted online in the fully-immersive environment of the “Virtual Training Studio”. This process allows Announcers to learn, train, and rehearse in a setting that emulates the actual sound and feel of a real Live Event atmosphere. This all-encompassing learning experience can only be found here at Live Event Announcing. 

The courses and sessions from Michael C. Williams are the culmination of 25+ years of announcing professionally, combined with over 15 years of training and coaching other announcers.


To fully develop the curriculum here at Live Event Announcing, we’ve brought together all the technical elements, skill-sets, instruction, lesson plans, exercises, practice drills, and techniques used by Michael for nearly three decades.


All 1-on-1 LIVE courses are 90 minutes, and are designed to be in-depth, highly personalized, technical, and interactive.

From 1-on-1 Personalized Training to “The Announcer’s Top 10 Tells”, Announcers will find everything they’ll need to improve their skill set and grow their business here at Live Event Announcing.